Monday 7 December 2015

mince pie bake off

A big thank you to all parents and adult helpers who supported each group with their mince pie bake off!

A truly cross curricular approach; reading recipes, measuring ingredients and making decisions.

The boys showed  true team spirit with their team manager, Mr Ryan

Even Mrs Price's husband joined in the fun!

Careful with the grater! Count your fingers. Are they still there?

Mr  Hilton gave his  site manager's role a  breather to help.

Team  spirit! Careful measuring!

Please Sir! Can we have some more?

I have been baking and baking and baking at home to practise for today!

Great supervision Ciera.

A careful mum's eye watches over Emma's skilful work.

Do I have to put my fingers in again?

This is looking great!

Let's all have a go together!

Mr Hilton was used to mixing cement. Pastry was new on his list of experiences.

You do it Joel!

Eva's homemade mincemeat smelt divine.

What's the next step?

True grit and determination.

Will we get 12 mince pies out of this pastry?

Celebration time

Reviewing  the experience

Lots of thinking.
Thanks James' Grandma for helping.

The finished  products.

 Happy Christmas!