Friday 15 January 2016

Tudor Rose calendars

Tudor Rose  Calendars

Before Christmas we were learning our skills of cross stitch and transferring these skills by making Tudor Roses identifying the combination of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Rose.

What fantastic achievement

We were so proud of the final result

different shades of red made the rose look real

We persevered....................

Definitely  kept going to the bitter end!

So many hours...................

so many colours........................

so many stitches............................

so much patience.......................

lots of help at home, too....................

such a relief.....................

no more    frustration.................

 mine has the rustic look!

I'm going to keep mine forever...............

 Such joy!

sheer delight..............

we will look at them all year

 ..............and longer

More photos to follow when they are finished!

Monday 11 January 2016

Ordsall Hall trip January 11th 2016


Enjoy  looking at the photos from our 'awesome' (Joe George quote) trip to Ordsall Hall today.
We learnt how to prepare for a wedding feast; the pecking order of sitting at the Lord and Lady's table; the rooms owned by Lord and Lady Radclyffe, the importance of herbs and spices and many other important details learned within this original Tudor building. 
This is a trip to be remembered!

Lady Agnes  put us in our place!

We were the Lord and Lady for the day.

Servants stood behind the Lords, Ladies, Merchants and farmers - spot the jester!

We ate on silver plates as we were Ladies.

We were the farmers and ate from square plates hence the saying  'Three square meals a day'

The merchants ate from pewter plates and tankards.

The servants  brought game pie and boar's head to the rich

The merchants and farmers ate bread; white bread only for the lords and ladies, brown bread for the merchants but horse bread for the farmers.

Spot the gilted gingerbread with real gold!

I am Henry VIII I am I am!

We played the parts of his wives

His wives'  admirers!

His children

and successors

The Radclyffe bed is hundreds of years old

I wore  the full chain-mail - so heavy!

This was Lady Agnes' bed. Night Night!


This special leather bound book was made by French monks and written in Ye Olde Englysh.!

Inside! Can you read it?

We filled bags with mint

All together outside

Put to work fetching the water  with the yoke and buckets

learning about herbs and spices

Burning the candle at both ends; the beeswax candle and the poor man's candle made out of a blade of grass covered in animal fat and burnt at both ends.

grinding the herbs and spices

experiencing the attic where all 60-80 servants would sleep at night.

The knot gardens

At the  end of a brilliant day

Chase those rats away.

Wouldn't we love to have a bed like this?

Now what  was the pecking order?

It's no 'yoke' carrying the water is it?

It's  r'eel'y slimy.

Herbs and spices from near and far.

Kalle's the spit boy. Keep turning! A few more hours anyway!

Half pig, half chicken

What are you drinking, Joel? 

Have faith............don't spill a drop!

You have the strength, Tom.

If I let go og my finger what will happen?

Sleeping in the attic.

Some lunch there Joe! You certainly won't go hungry

Home made potage!  Yum!

Well read!