Monday 9 February 2015

Project Autumn 2 Creating a scene from Macbeth

Autumn 2 leading into Spring 1 

  • 'Identifying and aspect of leisure in Tudor Times                                                             '  We focused on the development of Theatre and entertainment in Tudor/Elizabethan times with a focus upon Shakespeare and Macbeth.                                                        
    We decoded pm a circular stage which we planned at home over the weekend together.
    We learnt new skills: I learnt the cutting edge is an upward movement of the saw!
    I really had fun using wood, saws and glue guns.
    We wrote our own risk assessment in case we cut or burnt ourselves and decided what safety measure to take.
    Seeing our stage become real was exciting as we could then plan the scenery to go inside.

    We organised scenery to go with our playscripts
    Scene: The witches inform Macbeth with their prophesy.

    Scene: Banquo appears as a ghost to Macbeth
    We used our individual skills and talents to decorate the stage andmake it look

    Poor Lady Macbeth. She wasn't very happy with life!
    We wrote our own playscripts to use with our models

    Planning curtains to go around a circular stage proved quite tricky, but we used various skills such as sewing and measuring to make it fit.
    We even made  curved scenery to show the different scenes of our part of the play.
    We did struggle with stability of the stage and learnt how to strengthen the sides to keep them sturdy.

    Some pieces of wood were tricky to cut straight, so we needed to use guides and clamps to hold wood still.
    I reflected on the mood and emotions in the play and made the models to fit my understanding of the characters.

    Can you tell what these characters might be thinking?
    We used sticks to support  the plasticine models as  they were quite large and heavy to remain standing upright. We researched what soldiers might wear and tried to make each character look different.

    I used scientific skills to create hidden lighting under the floor of the stage.

    And here it is...................It is called an apron stage.

    Our final  products

    'Tis Birnam Wood approaching.............!

    Is that a dagger I see before me?

    Oh Horror! Horror! Horror!

    When shall we three meet again...........................!

    Double Double Toil and Trouble
    Fire Burn and Cauldron bubble!

    Our mobile phones came in very useful for lighting and sound effects.

    To be...............or not to be
    That is the question!